# Resources
Learn about Ethermint with the list of official resources.
- Official Documentation:
- Official Codebase:
- Official Website:
# Workshops and Videos
- Cosmos Unchained: Ethermint vs Avalanche
- Code With Us: Ethermint Tutorial - Elizabeth Binks
- Ethermint 2.0: Cosmos SDK + EVM - Chris Goes
- Getting Started with Ethermint - Austin Abell
- Ethermint and NFTs - Billy Rennekamp
- HackAtom India Webinar: Getting Started with Ethermint - Elizabeth Binks
# Articles
# Cosmos Blog
Note: most of these articles are outdated as they refer to the previous Ethermint projects (linked below). They are listed here for reference only.
- Ethermint Supports Web3 Personal API - Colin Schwarz
- The Road to Ethermint - Colin Schwarz
- A Beginners Guide to Ethermint - ICF
- Using Ethermint with Truffle - Billy Rennekamp
- Light Clients on Ethermint - ICF
- Cosmos Fee Token – Introducing the Photon - ICF
- Introducing the Hard Spoon - Chjango Unchained
- Ethermint and NFTs at EthDenver - Tendermint
# ChainSafe Blog
# Previous Ethermint implementations
- Ethermint ABCI: This project was the first and original Tendermint ABCI application with EVM support. Not built with Cosmos SDK.
- Ethermint (archive): Precursor implementation of the current project, developed by All in Bits Inc. It was aiming to implement Turbo-Geth as the EVM for scalability improvements.
# Next
Learn how to run an Ethermint node